
This workshop focuses on building ethnographic research skills in the following four areas: deep listening, effective facilitation, data collection / data management, and participatory learning.

You’ll hone research skills within each of these areas through a combination of readings, interactive presentations, experiential exercises, and peer learning. All workshop content is focused on applying the benefits of ethnographic thinking to everyday work environments, as well as developing an ethnographic mindset rooted in these skills to better inform strategic decision making within organizations.

Why THIS Ethnographic Practice Workshop?

While not exhaustive, mastering these four core areas of ethnographic practice will give you the skills to gain a deep understanding of your customers’/constituents’ values, behaviors, priorities, needs, and cultural contexts. This workshop will also show you how these methods can collectively create a mindset that helps build productive relationships with your work colleagues through a more nuanced understanding of the dynamics within your organization’s own internal culture. This includes developing qualities like taking calculated risks, learning from failure, using open communication, and applying ongoing reflection.

Who Should Attend?

Depending on skill level and experience, we recommend that most teams interested in this workshop first participate in our Ethnographic Thinking workshop to develop the core personal attributes and mindset for ethnographic thinking (see: I. Ethnographic Thinking Workshop). Beyond that, this workshop is best for teams that are ready to learn or improve their field skills as a means of solidifying their qualitative research approach and extending those skills into their approach to their workplace.

What’s the Schedule?

This workshop consists of four sessions. Duration, timing, and content can be tailored to the specific needs of each team or cohort.



  • Beyond the Spoken: Layered Listening
  • Optimizing for Relevance: Anticipatory Listening

Field Exercise:

  • Conduct an Interview
  • Share-out, Challenges, Reflections

Applications to Daily Work Practices:

  • Reading Context and Forming Bonds through Dialog
  • Identifying Patterns and Understanding Motivations



  • On the Fly: Managing the Flow of Interactions
  • Professional Stranger: Productive Facilitation in Unfamiliar Settings

Field Exercise:

  • Take a Tour
  • Share-out, Challenges, Reflections

Applications to Daily Work Practices:

  • Leadership and Diplomacy
  • Interpretive Value & Productive Provocations



  • When in Doubt, Record: Documentation and the Benefits of Triangulation
  • Seeing Differently: Perspective Shifts and their Interpretive Value

Field Exercise:

  • Three Takes on Observation (written, audio, visuals)
  • Share-out, Challenges, Reflections

Applications to Daily Work Practices

  • The Advantages of Data Overload
  • Scope and Scale



  • Saying “Yes”: The Value of the Unexpected in Participatory Learning
  • On (Not) Going Native: Knowing Your Boundaries

Field Exercise:

  • Field Exercise: Work as a trainee (participatory observation)
  • Share-out, Challenges, Reflections

Applications to Daily Work Practices:

  • Using Emotional Intelligence
  • Ethnographic Understandings of Organizational Behavior

What are the Details?

The workshop is led by seasoned applied anthropologist Jay Hasbrouck, author of the book Ethnographic Thinking: From Method to Mindset, in conjunction with a staff of highly experienced research professionals.

Pricing is per seat and varies depending on location, venue, and other factors. Feel free to get in touch with any questions by using our contact form.